

figs: threads for threads. ties and bow ties.

I am a sucker for fashion philanthropy under the kindly umbrella of social entrepreneurship. And if it's got bows as pretty as you'll see here — notwithstanding that said bows are umm... for men — I'm all for it and will find away to partake of the prettiness. Sending up a whisper of thanks for the little man in our — my sisters and I — lives, our tween bro, who will continue to have his clothes picked out by us for a while forever. Ohh... and my imaginary future hubby!! Mwahaha.

FIGS is actually an acronym for Fashion Inspired Global Sophistication. It is the vision of Heather Hasson, whose introduction into social entrepreneurship began during college where she helped over 170 Vietnamese children attend school by providing uniforms with the proceeds from the sale of handbags. After working with Levi and Gucci, Ms Hasson has now embarked upon a decidedly chic, and yet, of course gracious undertaking with FIGS. The brand offers pretty classic — and classically pretty — ties and bow ties (for men) from the best of fabrics, Brit wool, Italian silk etc. Can I just say that I hesitate to add that "for men" part because the ties make clever accessories for women too! Who says women can't appropriate these pieces for use as belts, headbands (oh pretty pretty bows!), scarves, (brooch)pins etc. And what about achingly pretty bow bracelets?! Yes boys, we can do all of the above with your ties/bow ties. So while I've marked one or two pieces for little brother and waiting for the silk pieces to begin arriving — father can't wear wool in the tropics — I'm also... It's all going to a good cause.
Oh no, women take over everything and make it so UNmanly!!
I know.
I sympathize, but sharing is caring.

The commendable social aspect of Ms Hasson's FIGS (threads for threads) translates into the provision of a school uniform for an African child with every tie/bow tie purchase. Starting in Eastern Africa, specifically in 105 schools within Kenya and Tanzania, FIGS aims to provide school children with appropriate uniforms from the sales of its gorgeous ties. This is especially important in these areas where a child may not have adequate regular clothing, never mind uniforms; and thus may not be able to attend school without the proper uniform.

Go on. Pick a tie or two.
And share it with the women in your life.
Annndd... if she's your lover, she'll thank you by tying you up in the morning. Ha!

Chic kisses.